
Homeopathy for Emotional Health

Jane Tara Cicchetti, RS Hom, (NA), CCH 

           Homeopathy is an effective system of natural health care that uses remedies made from minute amounts of specially prepared natural substances to stimulate the body and mind to heal naturally.   One of the basic premises of homeopathy is that the mind, body and emotions are inseparably inter-linked.  Samuel Hahnemann, who founded homeopathy almost 200 years ago, said when a person gets ill, he is affected emotionally and mentally as well as physically.

            Now widely recognized as a complement to conventional medicine, homeopathy is used all over the world.  It is part of the national health care system in Germany, and is part of medical care in France.  It is the treatment of choice of the Royal family  of England.  Wherever this effective natural health care system is used and understood, it is appreciated for its gentle healing of the whole person, mind, body and emotions.

            When we are treated homeopathically for emotional problems, the emotions are not suppressed or dulled as they are by sedatives or tranquilizers.   The mind remains clear and alert and we are able to feel our emotions.   Some of the ways that people have expressed the results of taking the correct homeopathic remedy for emotional upsets are:  “I seem to be able to cope with the situation better.”   “I feel some distance to the disappointment that allows me to think more clearly about what this means to me” or “My body isn’t out of control with the fear”.

            Not every upset in life requires a remedy.  Even though homeopathic remedies are completely safe and non-toxic, it is important to remember that the best way to get through life’s upsets is to deal with them.  Grief, for example is a very normal part of everyone’s life.  Many people experience a death of a loved one and go through a normal grieving process without the help of any kind of treatment.  If, however, an individual is having difficulty getting through a stressful time a homeopathic remedy may be very helpful.

            Long term emotional problems such as depression, chronic anxiety, PMS and lack of confidence can be addressed with constitutional homeopathy.  This requires the skill of a well trained homeopath who will interview the individual and find the remedy that is the simillimum.  The simillimum is the one remedy out of the hundreds of homeopathic remedies which exactly fits the pattern of symptoms expressed by the person.  This remedy stimulates the body and mind to begin to heal on a deep cellular level.  The ideal result is a very profound yet gradual improvement.  The emotional state becomes brighter,  energy and vitality increases  and  undesirable physical symptoms lessen.

            Constitutional treatment is an excellent complement to psychotherapy.  It is not unusual to see therapy move more quickly and the fear of addressing deeper issues diminishing.  This is because a person under successful homeopathic treatment is stronger, more centered and, most important, has the energy to do the work.