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Healing Trans-personal Trauma

Podcast In this episode, Eugenia Kruger  talks with Jane Tara Cicchetti, a specialist in healing trauma and turning it into strength and vitality. Jane introduces the idea of transpersonal trauma—how pain from our ancestors, collective suffering, and global stress can…

Listen to Jane Tara speak about Jungian psychology and homeopathy

Jane was interviewed by Eugenie Kruger for a podcast. You can find it at or on any podcasting platform such as Spotify, Apple podcast etc – just search for “Homeopathy Hangout

The Alchemy of Dreams Course

Would you like to know more about how to use dreams in homeopathic practice? My 3 part course is now available online here:

Dreams in Homeopathic Practice Course

I will be teaching an online course on using dreams in homeopathic practice at the Prometheus Homeopathic Institute on Nov. 2, 2024. You can sign up to receive a notice for registration here:

Insight into Supervision in Homeopathy

INSIGHT INTO SUPERVISON IN HOMEOPATHY The Benefits of Not Going It Alone Jane Tara Cicchetti, RSHom(NA), CCH First published in Simillimum, Fall 2008 – Volume XXI “Sometimes you can’t see yourself clearly until you see yourself through the eyes of…

Synchronicity Presentation

Here’s a link to a presentation I made recently on Synchronicity and Homeopathy. It starts at 14:30. Scroll down to the 3rd video on the left 0 EN 12QF for English. / Mot de passe: 7d3cv5DfGCw8