

Offering you . . . Wherever You Are . .
In-Depth Classical Homeopathy,
The Fruits of  30 Years of Experience.

Jane Tara Cicchetti


In-Depth Classical Homeopathy

A Path Towards Wholeness

"Working with the mind/body relationship requires a method of treatment that addresses the whole person and is philosophically consistent with the idea that the healing process may require integrating the human soul, spirit, and mind. At the same time, no attempt should be made to rigidly define what is meant by soul, spirit, and mind, as these ideas are essentially unknowable."

Welcome to the In-Depth Classical Homeopathy practice of Jane Tara Cicchetti 

For more than 30 years, I have been offering mastery-level Homeopathic care for a wide range of issues – physical, mental and emotional.

A unique aspect of my practice is that I enhance Classical Homeopathy with two decades of training in the work of the psychologist Carl Jung.  My clients and I have found that these Jungian insights can be a priceless “way in” to choosing the best Homeopathic remedy and a valuable key to the deepest healing path.

In addition to working directly with clients, I am an author of books and professional journal articles, and an active researcher into new homeopathic remedies.  In my international classes and seminars, I teach other experienced professional homeopaths in North America and Europe.  My book, Dreams, Symbols, and Homeopathy: Archetypal Dimensions of Healing is used the world over as the definitive text in this groundbreaking approach.

 From my office in Asheville, North Carolina, I work with clients all over the world using  Zoom or FaceTime.  So this unique treatment is available to you wherever you are.

 I invite you to join me in the profound and valuable adventure that is In-Depth Classical Homeopathy.  You can start by emailing me for a preliminary chat to see if In-Depth Classical Homeopathy is right for you: janetara@janecicchetti.com.

I look forward to hearing from you.  Let’s begin!

In-Depth Classical Homeopathy